(Just About) Everything You Should Know About A Handgun


Erschienen am 18.10.2018, Auflage: 1/2018
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781643502922
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 384 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


(Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun stresses safety; you can never be too safe with your weapon. I have the heart of a teacher and sometimes I get to foot stomping - I can promise you, whether you have never touched a handgun before, or if you grew up with a handgun on your hip, you will learn something from this book. (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun tells first-time buyers how to choose a weapon, then it tells you to buy that weapon and then buy another one exactly like the one you just bought (don't worry, I explain why in the book). (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun explains necessary equipment for the range and a little of what to expect on the range (for your first time). In (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun we talk about murder, both justifiable and excusable. We also talk about deadly force, stand your ground, and duty to retreat. We even talk about flashlights! Bet you gun experts did not see that one coming! (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun explains how and when to clean your weapon and talks about storing weapons, cleaning equipment, and ammunition all together and separately. We discuss different kinds of ammo, what kind of ammo to carry, and what kind of ammo to shoot on the range. We even talk a little about loading (reloading) your own ammunition. (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun explains what Title 18 United States Code means to a shooter. We talk about revolver and semiautomatic handgun history, how to grip and draw your weapon, what different stances there are to shoot from, and we train to shoot with both hands. The state laws pertaining to carry either open or concealed for all fifty states and five territories of these United States are included in (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun. Additionally there are points of contact in each venue. We discuss operations of a revolver and a semiautomatic handgun. There is a pretty thorough review of holsters and ideas on how you might carry. (Just About) Everything You Should Know about a Handgun has a section I like to call Gun-a-Linguist (so I did). I was going to call it Gun Talk, but there are about 253 bazillion references to Gun Talk in Google, so I made up my own word, ergo, Gun-a-Linguist. And-of course-pictures, lots of pictures. My son told me, "Ya gotta have pictures, Dad!" To visit the author's website, please clickHERE. To visit the author's Youtube channel link, please clickHERE.

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